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Butlins AYR

The camp that started to support the war, was renamed twice in Butlin's history and then transferred to Haven, where it is today
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  • Marks Postcard Collections
    The collection of postcards shared on website with your memories attached for this photo
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  • Butlin's AYR Holidyay World
    When the holiday worlds started, this location was only one of two that got renamed twice during the Butlins history timeline.
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  • Wonderwest World
    Ranamed to its final name as a Butlins, Butlins AYR became Wonderwest World.
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  • Craig Tara
    A chat about the current name for this former Butlins site, under the great name of Haven.

    Please note that this area is not to be used for complaints as they should be directed to the owners at
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  • General Chat
    A good old chat about Butlins AYR - please note that this is not the place to issue complaints, these should be directly sent to, the official website of Butlins.
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  • Facebook Chats
    Come and see the updates from the Butlins Memorabilia Website Facebook page

    Link to the main page for all Butlins areas:
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