Start and build up your collection of Butlin's Mosney Memorabilia with eBay, here is some suggestions
Using Google Maps or Google Earth, we can see Butlin's Barry Island over the years. Below are photos from Google Earth showing you a lot of details of the former campsite and giving you a great insight into the former Butlins camp.
Each photo has a copyright credit under each one. This is done in accordance with the rules specified at this link. I am thankful to be able to show these screenshots, which were taken using Google Earth (click on these words to see more) for historic education.
Before Butlin's Barry Island arrived.
Most of Butlin's Barry Island was demolished at this stage with one building remaining.
The last building was removed at this stage and a new build had arrived to the former Butlins Barry Island location
Nothing more but a plaque remains today.
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This group is a part of this website and has the Facebook Public group settings
A dedicated group to chat about Butlins Barry Island and all the joys that came with the camp
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