Start and build up your collection of Butlin's Mosney Memorabilia with eBay, here is some suggestions
Using Google Maps or Google Earth, we can see Butlin's Skegness over the years. Below are photos from Google Earth showing you a lot of details of the former campsite and giving you a great insight into the former Butlins camp.
Each photo has a copyright credit under each one. This is done in accordance with the rules specified at this link. I am thankful to be able to show these screenshots, which were taken using Google Earth (click on these words to see more) for historic education.
The is satellite image using Google Earth showing you Butlin's Skegness and it's surrounding area.
This is a highlighted area of Butlin's Skegness.
Having the main area in one photo made Butlins Skegness look small. To help you see this wonderful resort, I have decided to split it up into areas. This would be Skegness Butlins - west side (with the beach behind you).
Having the main area in one photo made Butlins Skegness look small. To help you see this wonderful resort, I have decided to split it up into areas. This would be Skegness Butlins - east side (with the beach behind you).
Having the main area in one photo made Butlins Skegness look small. To help you see this wonderful resort, I have decided to split it up into areas. This would be Skegness Butlins top end (with the beach behind you).
A part of Butlins Skegness is this area, called the Sandhills & The Retreat - previously known as the caravan village. It's just above the top end of Butlins Skegness.
This is the first view and the one we will look at to compare the changes of Butlin's Skegness.
These are the areas that have seen a large change, 1. Four rows of chalet lines, 2. Three rows of chalet lines, 3. The beach entrance, 4. The Tennis courts, 5. Carpark, 6. Funfair and 7. Ingoldmells hotel and Jaks
The rows of chalets have been demolished between late 2003 and 2004 and grassed over by 2005 (reference to numbers 1 & 2) The layout to the beach entrance has also started (number 3)
Two areas of interest are the tennis courts have been updated and the fresh layout (number 4). The building attached to the Ingoldmells hotels and Jaks has been partly demolished (corner) (number 7)
The former chalet lines (reference 2) have seen a large development. The funfair has also seen a change but nothing to major (number 6). The beach entrance (number 3) has also been completed.
The former chalet area behind the pavilion (number 1). The layout on the grass shows that the circus might be there and a car park has appeared. The carpark (number 5) also now has a drive-through check-in, the first to appear in Butlins resorts.
The former chalet area behind the pavilion (number 1) has now introduced Studio 36 to Butlins Skegness.
The Ingoldmells Hotel and Jaks building are demolished (number 7).
The funfair (number 6) has seen a large investment program with new funfair rides added. The tennis courts are removed, ending another era of Butlins Skegness (number 4). The former tennis courts have now become the new Sky Park, with exciting zones added.
This is the first view and the one we will look at to compare the changes of Butlin's Skegness.
This is the first view and the one we will look at to compare the changes of Butlin's Skegness.
As seen in the photos on the west above, the chalets behind the pavilion are demolished and the area is restored to grass.
The outside swimming pool (number 1) is removed. A new attachment for the swimming pool is added including new flumes (number 2) The building opposite the former outside pool has also changed or had a new roof installed (number 3). Also not spotted until now, the drive-through near the lake was installed (two white boxes in the road leading to the lake, shown with two dark black circle on them)
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This group is a part of this website and has the Facebook Public group settings
A sister group to chat about Butlins Skegness and all the joys that came with the camp
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