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Mark's Special Journey to Butlin's Somerwest World

Come and read about my journey and meaning to go to Butlin's Somerwest World. You can see more about how much it meant to me to go to my favorite place.

That special journey to Butlin's and it's meaning to us all

The members of Celebrating Butlin's with memories, photos and collections (click on the words to view the group) have shared their memories of their journey to Butlin's. Wonderful stories with so much meaning to read.

That one special moment that helps us all smile

The members of Celebrating Butlin's with memories, photos and collections (click on the words to view the group) have shared their one special moment that helped them smile as either a customer or staff, truly magical to read.

That moment that made you laugh and still does at Butlin's

The members of Celebrating Butlin's with memories, photos and collections (click on the words to view the group) have shared their one their stories about that one moment that made you laugh about an event or moment at Butlin's

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Just click on an icon below to send  Mark a message to chat about your time at Butlins and memories